Masonry Shop

[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’10’ heading=’Masonry Shop Grid Example’ color= » style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font= » size= » subheading_active= » subheading_size=’10’ custom_class= » admin_preview_bg= »][/av_heading]

[av_textblock size= » font_color= » color= » admin_preview_bg= »]
Please note: The Masonry Shop is not suited for a shop with hundreds of products (in that case use the default shop) but if you only sell a handful of item and want to display them in a stylish way this might be the way to do it. The Masonry Shop has also some limitations that the « default shop » doesn’t have. It can’t be selected as default shop or shop archive. It is meant to be an extra element on your Frontpage not to display a full fledged shop. Thats what the default shop is for 😉

[av_masonry_entries link=’product_cat,17′ sort=’yes’ items=’8′ columns=’flexible’ paginate=’load_more’ query_orderby=’date’ query_order=’DESC’ size=’fixed’ gap=’no’ overlay_fx=’active’ id= » caption_elements=’title’ caption_styling= » caption_display=’always’ color= » custom_bg= »]